That homosexuals have been pioneers for society has been recognized in a least a few fields-the arts, entertainment and styles of the times being among those the most readily admitted. Society, without wanting to be conscious of the fact, has enjoyed a considerable dependence on the invert down through the ages. Caught in a pinch, she has often followed his lead out of it; or needing re-creation, she has danced to his tune. Today, facing a crisis in which her whole sense of order seems to be going to pieces, society may have to count on the homosexual as never before. She may be literally listing in his direction.
There is much that homosexuals might do for an ailing society by virtue of their particular capacities. In many ages and in many social orders the intergrade has served as seer, has inspired with his arts and philosophies, has set the example of dedication and loyalty, or has been the master teacher. He has been the social servant, combining ability with the willingness and the freedom to be responsible to his community rather than to a family.
But these capacities and services are not the subject to be considered here. They, because of their number and importance, would require a greater effort. Moreover, not all homosexuals are inclined toward them. Here the field will be narrowed to one aspect that does apply, perhaps, to the whole broad range of